Theatre and Education for the Deaf

Studies in the Theatre and Education for the Deaf specialisation aim to create creative personalities with artistic and pedagogical education and practical experience for the needs of basic art education, for the area of theatre activities of groups with special needs and in particular for the Deaf, as well as for various types of theatre education, both formal and non-formal, including further training of educators. The Theatre and Education for the Deaf master’s degree studies aim to prepare professionals with artistic and pedagogical education for practice and to teach them how to accept the specifics of students and target groups of children, youth and adults. Emphasis is also placed on cultivation and education in the field of artistic use of sign language and artistic interpretation into sign language.


Studies in this field also focus on research into pedagogical use of theatre activities, especially in the field of theatre in education and research into specific forms of theatre of the Deaf and for the Deaf.

Graduates of the master’s degree studies find employment in the field of education and culture; it is becoming apparent that visualisation and personal experience are irreplaceable principles in the education of deaf children, youth and adults. They are able to choose and co-create the methodology of the field for the pedagogical process, they are able to convincingly and professionally present to experts and the public professional opinions, critical attitudes and specific approaches in the Czech language and Czech sign language. They are the bearers of the Deaf culture and gradually become identifying model worth following.


for example in:

Divadlo Neslyšících

Divadlo Tiché Iskry (Slovakia)

Hands Dance Group

Divadelní spolek OUKEJ

The master’s degree studies mainly develop the theatre area of this field and explore the possibilities of theatre as an educational tool. It also develops the field of artistic interpretation of theatre and music into sign language.

Field of study specification
Code VDN
Type Follow-up Master’s study programme
Degree MgA.
Length of studies 2 Years
Field of study guaranteed by Theatre Faculty
N0215A310015 Div_vych:N Drama and Education
Accredited until 15. 12. 2030