The Astorka Information, Education and Accommodation Centre
The centre was built between 1997-1998 on 3 Novobranská Street, in place of the Astoria Hotel which had been pulled down. Nowadays, it serves as the hall of residence for JAMU students with a capacity of 230 beds. Located on the 2nd floor, you can find a modern library with ample resources, specialising in the fields of music and theatre, a multimedia study hall and JAMU’s Editorial Centre. The JAMU library contains more than 100,000 books and around 50 specialized periodicals and journals including digital formats. The centre also includes a dance hall, fully-equipped classrooms of the Musical Acting and Audiovisual Production studios, a radio studio, soundproof rehearsal rooms for the students of the Music Faculty, and even a small restaurant. In summer, Astorka serves as a hostel for the public and visitors to Brno.
- Jaroslav Daťka , Vrátný
- MVDr. Martin Durna , Receptionist
- Erika Grygerová , Pracovnice úklidu
- Vlastimil Harvánek , Receptionist
- Jiří Kosík , Maintenance
- Miroslav Majerech , Provozní elektrikář elektroúdržby budov
- Tamara Novotná , Hotel management
- Mgr. Hana Ondryášová , Vedení recepce/PR
- Libor Osouch , Receptionist
- Halyna Poliakova , Pracovnice úklidu
- Soňa Reichová , Pracovnice úklidu
- Jiří Spáčil , technik - správce počítačových sítí
- Ludmila Vaculovičová , Economic Administration
- PhDr. Miroslav Vlček , Receptionist
- MgA. Ondřej Vodička , Head manager
- Pavel Machálek , Receptionist
- Mgr. Margita Michaelová , vrátná